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Obscurum is a simulated magazine created for a school project, where I worked with a talented team to produce individual issues for our first volume. This magazine delves into the intriguing realm of the unknown and obscure, and my contribution specifically explored the fascinating world of cults.



Obscurum Mag_FrontBack_Cover.png

Create a style guide to ensure consistency in each magazine's production, paired with a distinct production technique that fosters a cohesive publication. While each issue should reflect its unique topic, it’s important that they all feel like they belong to the same family.

04_A4 Magazine Mock-up 3_inside spread_perspective view.png

A 32 page magazine which feature a table of contents, articles related to cults, various ads, a infogrpahic detailing cult stats, and fun to look at magaizne with unique page layouts throughout.

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